Swisspreneur Growth Syndicate Demo Day

Connecting Investors with Switzerland's Most Promising Growth Startups

What to Expect from the Event

Join us at the Growth Syndicate Demo Day on June 4th, 2024, a collaboration between Swisspreneur and the Swiss Economic Forum (SEF). This exclusive event at Google Europaallee in Zurich brings together innovative Swiss startups ready for Series A and beyond with a select group of top investors. It's a unique platform for startups to secure growth funding and for investors to find their next big venture.

Swisspreneur Startup Events with Scaleups and Investors
Swisspreneur Startup Events with Scaleups and Investors
Swisspreneur Startup Events with Scaleups and Investors
Swisspreneur Startup Events with Scaleups and Investors
Swisspreneur Startup Events with Scaleups and Investors
Swisspreneur Startup Events with Scaleups and Investors
Swisspreneur Startup Events with Scaleups and Investors
Swisspreneur Startup Events with Scaleups and Investors

Pitching Startups

Which investors will attend?

Why Join as a Startup?

Pitch your company to a curated crowd of top-tier investors, and enjoy the chance to secure funding between 250k to 500k CHF through convertible loans — all at an event that is completely free of charge for participating startups.

Why Join as an Investor?

Explore Switzerland’s most promising growth-stage startups, gain early access to investment opportunities, and engage directly with founders and investors before deals are opened to the broader market.

Event Highlights
Pitch Sessions
15 preselected startups will pitch their ideas directly to private and professional investors.
Fireside Chat
Engage with our special guest speaker discussing trends, challenges, and opportunities in the startup ecosystem.
In-Depth Networking
Connect with growth startups and seasoned investors to discuss the companies presented.

"I appreciate the simplicity of the Swisspreneur Syndicate, which has streamlined how I approach personal investments and allows me to support promising startups without hassle."

Lars Mangelsdorf,
Syndicate Investor

"Swisspreneur Syndicate - small leaps into grand startups. It's speed-dating for investors: put a little in, learn a lot, and double down when the vibe's right. Perfect for dipping your toes with what you can afford to splash."

Hermann Arnold,
Syndicate Investor

"I've always been passionate about supporting local talent, and the Swisspreneur Syndicate aligns perfectly with that mission. It's empowering to know that my investments contribute to the growth of Swiss startups. By backing these ventures, I'm not only investing in their success but also in the future prosperity of our country's entrepreneurial ecosystem."

Alan Frei,
Syndicate Investor
What is the Growth Syndicate Demo Day?

The Growth Syndicate Demo Day is an exclusive event organized by Swisspreneur in partnership with the Swiss Economic Forum (SEF). It connects promising Swiss startups seeking Series A and beyond funding with professional investors, including VCs, angel investors, and syndicate members. The event includes networking, pitch sessions, and a fireside chat, focusing on fostering direct connections and investment opportunities.

Which startups will be pitching at the event?
What can you expect from the event as an investor?

Watch our 5-minute video walkthrough for a quick overview of the Demo Day highlights here.

What is the event program?

5:30 PM: Arrival and drinks
6:00 PM: Introduction and overview
6:05 PM: Five pitches, 5 minutes each
6:30 PM: Fireside chat with special guest
7:00 PM: Five pitches, 5 minutes each
7:25 PM: Wrap Up & Closing
7:30 PM: Flying Dinner & Networking

How big are the ticket sizes?

Startups can receive up to CHF 500k as a Convertible Loan Agreement (CLA) during the event. The individual ticket sizes for investors start at CHF 25k.

In which stages & verticals can investors deploy capital?

Investors can explore opportunities across various stages from Series A to later stages. Swisspreneur Growth Syndicate caters to different verticals, welcoming investors with interests in multiple sectors.

I have questions, who should I reach out to?

For any inquiries or further information about the Swisspreneur Growth Syndicate Demo Day, please contact the Swisspreneur team directly at We’ll be happy to assist.

Secure Your Spot Today

Spots are limited to ensure quality interactions and productive networking. Apply now to secure your invitation to this event.